Do we live,
or do we die?

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NARAKA: The U Gambira Story

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This is a conversation I had with Bonniejean Alford's on her podcast, "Life's a Blank." Bonniejean is a progressive teacher who won the 2022 NEA Higher Educator of the Year. We first met in the 1990s when we were both working on corporate boycotts and doing lobbying for the Free Burma Coalition in Washington.



The coming artificial intelligence crisis
Lessons Learned


Republican anger
Why climate activists are failing

Action Plan to Save the Future
Nature equals behavior

The Roots of Dictatorship
I Want To Be Free - (The Dictator Watch Democracy Review of the World)

The USA: What Now?
The trials of Jack Smith

The Verdict
The Democratic Party
Dark Days
Is Donald Trump taking Alzheimer's Medication?
Election appeal
People who support Trump
United States Status: Summer 2024
Anti-Trump billboards
Dictatorship in America?
Democracy and the Republicans
Running commentary on the United States
Republican cheaters
American Civil War
Black Day for America
The Trump Catastrophe
The predisposition to follow
The Trump Base
Investment casino capitalism
Lessons from the American Revolution
Lessons in Democracy - English

“I am not willing to live in this world anymore”

The China problem in Burma
Freedom questions for the people of Burma
U.S. failure in Burma
Running commentary on Burma
The Burma Revolution's two anomalies

Nationwide war for liberation in Burma - finally!

Burma coup - 20
Burma coup - 19
Burma coup - 18

Burma coup - 17
Burma coup - 16
Burma coup - 15
Burma coup - 14
Burma coup - 13
Burma coup - 12

Burma coup - 11
Burma coup - 10
Burma coup - 9

Burma coup - 8
Burma coup - 7
Burma coup - 6
Burma coup - 5
Burma coup - 4
Burma coup - 3
Burma coup - 2
Burma coup - 1

Three Main Causes - Burmese; English
Revolutionary momentum
National Unity Government
War on Facebook
Break China
Burma Intervention
Bamar supremacists
Why Do Non-Myanmar Ethnic Nationalities Choose To Die With Their Boots On?, by Kanbawza Win

Burma Status: September 2024
Myawaddy comment
Why nothing good ever happens in Burma

United Nations finding of genocide by the Suu Kyi regime against the Rohingya
Myanmar's Killing Fields
Break up Burma? - Executive Summary
Break up Burma? - Karen translation
Break up Burma? - Burmese translation
Break up Burma? Chinese translation:
Traditional character set
Simplified character set
Is it time to break up Burma? (full analysis)

Burma's refugees: Repatriation for whom?
Legal nationality
Release the Burma ethnic census results now!
Rohingya genocide timeline
Imagine you are a Rohingya villager
Portrait of a genocide
Lessons in Democracy - Burmese

Death of a Death Blog

Northern Alliance - Ethnic Rising 2017: Great video about the Freedem Resistance.
KNLA General Baw Kyaw Heh: on Karen unity, the falsity of the ceasefire process, and the ethnic nationality revolution
Karen pride and unity: Scorpion Films video about the regime's civil war against Burma's ethnic minorities
Living in fear: Crimes against humanity video, by Burma Issues

Burma Ethnic Armed Organizations Statement (Pangsang meeting)
UNFC position statement on draft NCA
Lawkeelar statement: Ethnic armed revolutionary/resistance organizations conference
Laiza statement: Common position of ethnic resistance organizations on nationwide ceasefire
UNFC position

Reparations from China
China: A new democracy revolution
Translation - traditional character set
Translation - simplified character set
Laogai - the machinery of repression in China
Free East Turkestan
Lessons in Democracy - Chinese
Traditional character set
Simplified character set

Middle East
Middle East comment
Israel-Hamas blood feud
Biden officials alarmed by soaring Palestinian death toll
Peace, or Democracy?
Democracy and the Arab World: The Cultural Challenge

Burma's nuclear and missile programs
Nuclear Trafficking Summary
Burma shies from its nuclear protocol responsibilities again
, by Robert Kelley
Critical Questions for the Obama Administration on Burma - North Korea ties, by Keith Luse
Nuclear Burma, by Robert Kelley (DW first revealed the existence of Thabeikkyin!)
Myanmar, North Korea stay brothers in arms: Latest intel, by Bertil Lintner

Comment on the new Burma proliferation incident
State finally "publishes" reports on military and intelligence aid to Burma
Validated by Wikileaks on Burma uranium sales
Stonewalled by China, and the United States
Burma's nuclear battalion
Proof - Burma's military junta lied to the IAEA
Other nuclear proliferation articles

KNU Watch
Karen People's Struggle for Equality and Freedom
, by David Tharckabaw
The Karen People of Burma

Report on Burma Army use of chemical weapons
How to stop the corporate rape of Burma
Mining in Burma

Development in Burma
Insurrection in Burma

Notice: Dictator Watch is 100% blocked in China, according to the website Greatfire.org. If they ban you, they are afraid of you. We are delighted that our humble efforts have evoked fear from the murderous tyrants who rule China.


Dictator Watch is part of a family of websites, the objective of which is to promote positive social change. By way of introduction, the prerequisites for accomplishing such change include that the steps taken to bring it about must be (1) consistent with human nature, not based on an unrealistically positive appraisal; (2) voluntary; (3) grounded in education; and (4) ethical. The importance of education derives in part from the fact that enduring and widespread change, global change, will require a mass opting-out of the present social system. Only education, about a better alternative, will motivate a critical mass of the population to break free of our current oppressive structure.

Dictator Watch advances the theory of global social change, which is grounded in the field of mathematics known as chaos theory. But, while this might sound daunting, the basic ideas and their application to human societies can be understood by anyone. Dictator Watch also works as a front line activist group, on those cases where the need for change is most pressing.

The University of Life was created to help you understand the mysteries of life, and to be the person that you have always wanted to be. Please spread the word.

Lessons in Democracy is an in-depth description of our goal, a truly democratic society, including with an analysis of the many pitfalls that exist to establishing and maintaining such a society.

Lessons in Democracy also includes a short book about the worldwide economic recession - What Really Happened: The Financial Crisis Guide.

Activism 101 gives an education about the tools of dissent, which is the essential expression of popular power by which we both throw off authoritarian rule, and preserve the vitality of our democracy once we are free.

Students for a Free Tibet
Tibetan Centre for Human Rights and Development
Uyghur American Association
Democratic Voice of Burma
Irrawaddy News
North Korea Freedom Coalition
Wei Jingsheng Foundation
Human Rights Watch

Free Tibet Campaign
International Tibet Support Network
Southern Mongolia Watch
Assistance Assoc. for Political Prisoners (Burma)
Mizzima News
Burma News International
Human Rights in China
Amnesty International







April 2021, Free Burma Rangers

Burma Army troops in Arakan and Chin states, July 2020

March-April attacks, Karen State

Attacks in Karen State, January - March 2020

December 2019, Burma Army Imposes Curfew and Restricts Movement for Villagers with Shoot-on-Sight Orders in Kyaukkyi Township, Bago Division, Burma

Battles in Arakan State this year.


Map of the area of the Rohingya Genocide.

Map source: Shan Human Rights Foundation

Map source: Shan Human Rights Foundation

Map source: Shan Human Rights Foundation

War Crimes Continue Unabated in Kachin State
Where is the outcry?

Full article, with photos, describing dozens of murders by Burma Army soldiers
by Free Burma Rangers

Map source: Shan Human Rights Foundation

Map source: Shan Human Rights Foundation

Map source: Shan Human Rights Foundation

Map source: Shan Human Rights Foundation

Map source: Shan Human Rights Foundation

United Nations Kachin IDP map

The Fighting Peacock of Burma,
the symbol of the democracy resistance.
Burma shall be free!!!

Map source: Free Burma Rangers

The mission of Dictator Watch is to keep track of the dictators of the world, and to see that they pay for their crimes. We seek the end of dictatorship, in all its manifestations, including in all our social institutions.

Our motto is: You Decide.

The boy in the above photo, who is a member of the Karen ethnic group from Eastern Burma, has had to flee for his life four times, including from a refugee camp that was attacked and burned. He found refuge with his people’s rebel army, and was on his way to becoming a child soldier, when he was discovered by representatives of a foreign non-governmental organization who were able to get him placed in a school. The dictator in his life is the Burmese military junta. For the tiger, of which only some five thousand survive in the wild, most of its habitat has been occupied by humans, which also actively hunt it. The dictators in its life are the individuals who have taken its land and who seek to kill it, and this actually extends to all of us, through our aggression towards, and disregard for the value and rights of, all other forms of life.

Dictator Watch stands against this. We will serve as a means of activism against the dictators in the modern world. Of course, the fight to eliminate dictatorship will be extremely difficult. The forces which support it have great resources at their disposal, and they are highly protective of their power over us. However, we are nothing if not ambitious. We have many approaches to try and ideas to implement. But we need your assistance in this fight - your personal activism - if we are to have any chance of success.