January 2025
This comic is a tiny piece in the ongoing and one hopes never-ending battle of ostracism. We want the rich bastards who are trying to destroy everything good so they can have even more billions know that they are hated, by everyone. They may stay in huge homes and super-luxury private resorts, but these are the only places we want them to feel comfortable. There's no need to make them feel afraid, just very uncomfortable, in the knowledge that we all know their true nature: that they are some of the very worst humans who have ever lived. Anytime they venture out into the real world, away from their sanctuaries, we want this thought to pervade their consciousness. "This is the world, which I am trying to ruin, and where all the people hate me." How fun is that!?
Most of all, and as I wrote decades ago, we want the ostracism to be so pervasive and determined that even their kids come to hate them. Just look at Rupert Murdoch now. He has six kids, the oldest four of which control his trust. But three of these hate him, and are just waiting for him to die so they can take over and stop the Fox propaganda machine.
Matthew 16: "What good would it do you to buy the whole world if it costs you your soul?"
We don't just want it to cost them their soul. We want it to cost them love, from their families. They are monsters, and do not deserve to be loved, even by their children. They push lies; we will counter with the truth. Let's see which the children believe.