by Roland Watson
October 1, 2024

(Forward note: I want to congratulate everyone who has escaped from what I am about to describe, who recognized the depth and intensity of the social conditioning to which they have been exposed, and who opened their minds to the readily available information about Trump's true nature, beginning with from his own words and actions. May your ranks grow.)

Kamala Harris has a big tent. Unfortunately, Trump does too. But where she has the normal people, from the recognized demographic groups, his are the abhorrent - the different factions of his cult. They include:

1. Wealthy people who work in finance, tech, and upper levels of corporate management, or who come from similar positions in other sectors (government, religion, media, sports). These individuals have high left-brain intelligence, and are therefore perfectly clear on who Donald Trump is. (He is the worst American in the entire history of the country.) But they also lack empathy and are sociopathic if not full-on nihilists. They only care about money and power. Trump will lower their taxes, and he is an autocrat (which they also are or aspire to be), so they back him. Indeed, if America becomes like North Korea, or if the world heats to the point where huge regions become unlivable, they couldn't care less. They will just head for their luxury refuges. They are evil, and deserve to be treated like the other dictators of history.

2. Idiots. This is a function of intelligence but also of character. Again, many people who have left-brain dominance can solve technical problems, but have little understanding of anything outside of themselves. Then, on the normal idiocy scale there are the people who are lazy, who do drugs, and who might not have even finished school (or who got a poor education because their schools were lacking, or run by religions - which purposefully indoctrinated a cultist, anti-progress conformity). For them, their minds don't work well. They are easily duped. Indeed, the bulk are rural folk and who fell for the con of a New York City shark who literally everyone else for the last forty years has known to be a fraud.

- An important subclass of these idiots, probably a majority of them, are the children of older idiots, who themselves were raised by their own parental idiots, etc. Generation after generation has been told all sorts of lies (White People have more value than Black; Men have the right to subjugate Women; Jesus is the Son of God {what does that even mean?}; Nature exists to be exploited; etc), and which they fervently insist is the Truth. They are unable to grasp even the most simple systems of our complex world.

(A related factor - as a lot of people have commented, is that it is difficult to admit when you are wrong, even when you know down deep that your ideas and traditions are shit. As mentioned, some Trump nuts don't have have low IQs. But they are terrified of change, of putting their tribal membership at risk. They are petrified that they might be excommunicated by their family and friends. So, in this case, they are more cowards than cretins.)

- A sub-subclass are young men, since they have an inadequately developed prefrontal cortex, which makes them easy prey for false claims of machismo, another type of conditioning lie. You could call them hormonal idiots. It's ironic that women are often faulted for hormonal-driven behavior when it is men whose testosterone wreaks the most havoc on the expression of reason.

- Yet another sub-subclass are the evangelical Christians. They are obsessed with the lie that a zygote is a person, and they will kill to defend this point. They may say they are "pro-life" but in fact they are not pro anything. They are literally a hair breadth away from the behavior of the North Koreans who scream their loyalty to their own "living god." It seems so crazy it is difficult to write it but they actually believe Trump is the Second Coming. They don't realize they serve Satan's earthly stand-in, the Antichrist, and that they have made their faith the Religion of Hate. They practice none of Christ's teaching and as Jesus himself observed they have zero chance of admittance to heaven (if there is such a thing). This is the price of their terminal stupidity.

Barring the first group everyone else can succinctly be described as a loser. And not unsurprisingly a lot of them do sense this. And it makes them angry. They can't stand that they are wrong and that they have lost. They see that life (as presently conducted) is a zero-sum competition and fantasies of immortality notwithstanding they are the losers. They stayed behind. They have no place to go. They have no future.

As with everything else they are wrong about this, too. American Christians could follow the actual lesson of Jesus, to love - starting with of immigrants! (So, if there is a heaven, or some other afterlife - no one knows, they would earn their place.) And the people in rural communities could learn modern technology and pursue the opportunities it presents. Indeed, with remote work you can live in the most far flung areas, provided they have Internet, and get both educated and employed.

But they don't want to do this. It takes effort. It is much easier just to be furious and to complain.

More than anything they would like to be criminals. Many no doubt are. That's why they revere Donnie. He pulled the perfect crime; a lifetime of crime. He did get caught but he always got off. He never went to prison. He's their hero.

The fact that he is a felon now means nothing to them. Rather, it is a stamp of validation. He even corrupted the Supreme Court to stay out of jail. What a man!

America is completely fucked that there are so many people like this, upwards of 40% of the voting age population. The country is sick. It's not only the purposeful denial of a never-ending plague of school shootings, or reacting like a troglodyte in the face of a virus pandemic. (You have to smile though at the people who died from Covid screaming with their very last pre-intubation death: "How can this happen! It's not real!" Darwin Award winners all.)

People who vote for Trump have abnormal or deviant psychology.

They are agitated, violent and vengeful. They see that other people are figuring things out and doing well. And again, they can't stand it. They want to bring us down to their level. Hence their support for the so-called Republican Party (run by the first group), and the rapist, convict Trump. It's a despicable state of affairs. The genocide of the Native Americans and the enslavement of the African Americans were far worse as human rights atrocities, but what is happening now is a new type of low.

Modern Republicans are the worst of the worst. They are driven by their love, for hate.

What this reveals, amazingly, is that the fundamental problem is not actually Trump. He is just the excuse. He gives these huge, degenerate mobs a rallying point to let loose with their hate of "the Other," including women, LGBTQ+, ethnicities and races, and nationalities (typically of other races). You see them walking down the street or driving their huge pickups desecrating the American flag, and think, this has always been here. They have always been this horrible. He just told them: "It's OK to be horrible, in public, like me," and they ran with it.

(Personal note: Am I also obsessed by hate? Well, I do certainly hate the first group. I've dedicated the last thirty years of my life to fighting dictators, of all stripes. But the second, the losers? I am extraordinarily disappointed that they would sacrifice our hard-won democracy, and astonished that they are so willing to engage in self-harm, but I do not hate them. I have traveled the country many times, especially the West. I lived in a trailer park and worked in a truck garage. I hitchhiked, hopped freights, and spent a lot of time on Greyhound buses. I was a construction laborer and I also worked in many restaurants, starting as a dishwasher. Back in the day they would have been my friends - they were my friends. But it was different then. We grew our hair long and believed in peace and tolerance. But it changed with the time of Reagan. It's shocking to me how many people got old and flipped completely. I don't hate them and I love nature, and spend as much time in it as possible. But I like to look at animals, not kill them. What is frustrating is that the charismatic brainwashing by Trump combined with what became of the Christian Church is now so strong that it absolutely is a cult, no less than Jim Jones and the Peoples Temple or David Koresh and the Branch Davidians. They both also claimed to be divine, and they commanded their followers to commit mass suicide (including with the murder of their children). How is that fundamentally different from Trump, particularly his insanely deadly impact through downplaying the Covid pandemic?

Unfortunately, while cults are well-understood, to help people escape from them the deprogramming has to be one-on-one. There are too many people in the Republican cult! It took a world war to defeat Hitler's Nazis. If Trump is defeated (when Trump is defeated), maybe the younger Republican leaders will finally break free of their thrall and return the Party to something approaching normality. Personally, I would like to see it destroyed; eradicated (like the Whigs). It should be punished for what it has done. But a Presidential Democracy requires two parties (to guard against concentrated power and rampant corruption). A much better set would be the Democrats and Environmentalist/Socialist Progressives (ESP!). Those are two parties that we, and the world, could live with.)