Contact: Roland Watson, roland@dictatorwatch.org
September 9, 2007
Please forward.
We want to comment on General Sonthis recent visit to Burma to meet Than
Shwe and Maung Aye. We like to think that he delivered an ultimatum not to target
North Korean ballistic missiles at Thailand. The congeniality, hand shaking
and associated public statements, though, lead us to conclude that this did
not take place.
Sonthi launched a coup in Thailand to end the dictatorial rule of the Thaksin
regime. Yet he visited the top generals of the SPDC, who are far worse tyrants.
Sonthi is a hypocrite. If ever a country needed a military coup to restore democracy,
its Burma. (Thailand should end its support of the junta, not continue
The people of Burma should seriously consider granting amnesty for crimes committed
to Tatmadaw soldiers who are willing to risk their lives to overthrow the SPDC.
This idea could be publicized inside the country in fliers and via other communications
(e.g., discussions on radio broadcasts)
It is clear that the long-awaited popular uprising is underway. This will likely
continue for some months: however long it takes to win freedom. The goal is
to create pressure so great that, barring or in advance of a coup, Than Shwe
and his family flee to Singapore.
September 18th will be critical, both inside and outside the country. For the
former, nationwide protests are being planned. Let the Fighting Peacock lead
the way! Outside the country, we heartily endorse U.S. Campaign for Burmas
call for worldwide demonstrations at Chinese embassies.
The risk of course is of a renewed military crackdown. Right now the soldiers
of the Tatmadaw do not have a tangible motivation to return their allegiance
to the people. The best way to create this would be an offer of amnesty. The
intention of considering amnesty should ideally be publicized prior to this
There was a limited reaction by the members of the International Community to
the events of August 1988. There were condemnations of the massacres then, to
be sure, but no formal, organized response. This lack of preparation should
not be repeated.
A number of scenarios in the coming weeks and months are possible. These include
a violent reaction by the SPDC to increasingly large public demonstrations;
Burma becoming unsettled as protests in the streets are supplemented with revolutionary
acts, including which target international financial interests (e.g., opposition
to the Salween dams); and the possibility of a coup against the SPDC and/or
the voluntary relinquishing of power by Than Shwe.
The International Community, but particularly officials at the United Nations,
and in the governments of the U.S., E.U., the U.K. separately (it bears singular
responsibility because of its prior colonization of Burma), and Australia, should
undertake emergency contingency planning, for all of these scenarios. These
parties should be prepared to act, momentarily and ideally as a coalition, if
the above outcomes occur. For the first, if the SPDC commits mass murder of
the protestors, this will create a moral obligation to launch a military intervention.
Closing notes:
We call upon Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to visit the refugee camps in Thailand,
as a follow-up to his visit to the camps in Darfur. Once he sees what has happened
in Burma with his own eyes, he will understand why there must be change, now.
Perhaps then the cause of freedom for Burma will finally begin to get real support
from the U.N. Secretariat.
To the SPDC: Yes, we are destructive elements. We intend to destroy
you! Get out! Now!