
Contact: Roland Watson, roland@dictatorwatch.org


October 8, 2018
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Dictator Watch since its inception has focused on Burma. This reflected the fact that the people of the country suffered among the worst repression in the world; it had dreadful environmental destruction; and also that very few individuals from outside seemed to care. It was a noble cause, and well worth trying to help, both by shining a light on the abuses and by working to motivate and organize the resistance.

Burma is presently in a stalemate, between the regime, which now includes Aung San Suu Kyi, the NLD, and also the Burman armed resistance, the ABSDF; and the ethnic nationality groups. However, the latter are exhibiting more disunity than ever before, due to the KNU under corrupt leaders Mutu Say Poe and Kwe Htoo Win withdrawing from the UNFC. Losing the southern flank has made the northern groups - some of them at least - reliant on the UWSA, the long-standing narcotics army and which for decades actively conspired with the dictatorship. Having to work with the UWSA further increased the exposure of these groups to China, the regime's tried and true godfather. Still, all is not lost, since they continue to resist Tatmadaw incursions into their homelands. However, they do not mount offensive operations.

Because of this state of affairs there is now little advocacy to do for the overall country. We are all waiting for some unexpected event to disturb the stalemate and shake things up. Obviously, the most likely candidate would be the death (or resignation) of Suu Kyi, although it appears this may easily be a decade or more into the future.

Burma does demand intensive activism, though, focused of course on the Rohingya genocide. This includes accomplishing the return of the refugees back to their land and with security and citizenship; and ensuring justice for all the victims through the trial and conviction of the responsible parties, including Suu Kyi. Dictator Watch has been at the forefront in opposing the Rohingya genocide, dating to the beginning of its latest outburst in the summer of 2012.

We will continue to advocate for the Rohingya, and for all the ethnic nationalities of Burma. We will never stop demanding real freedom and democracy until is is achieved.

Now, though, there is a new threat to the world. The United States, under Trump and the fascist, rapist, racist Republicans, has become a one party political dictatorship, with control of the Executive, Legislative (both houses), and Judicial branches. While still a democracy in name, there are no longer any checks and balances within the Federal Government. It is uncertain how long this situation will last. It could be changed in the upcoming Midterm election, or it could persist for years.

This means that all the major powers of the world, the U.S., Russia and China, are political dictatorships. At the moment repression in the U.S. is less than the other two, and focused on traditional targets: people of color, women, gays and activists. However, if the Republicans can maintain their One-Party Rule, there is no doubt that the repression will spread far and wide.

To this end, Dictator Watch will now forcefully oppose dictatorship in the United States. I have of course already joined the resistance, including writing about it often but for the most part on Facebook. The following link includes formal comments on FB about Trump and the Republicans over the last four months.
