[FFF, Corporate Activism]


Executive Vice President - Risk Management


To ensure that the company fulfills a positive social purpose, including to all groups and publics on whom it has an impact. To minimize company financial liability, first and foremost by proactively avoiding any actions which would expose it to such liability.


To the Chief Executive Officer, and to an independent Board of Directors committee of which the CEO is not a member. [To the extent that such a position can be made immune to CEO and other executive pressure, this dual reporting should accomplish it.]

Specific responsibilities:

- Promulgation of a corporate statement of ethics, defining all publics and groups affected by the company, directly in its ongoing course of business, and indirectly through other consequences of the business, and establishing standards of behavior regarding each. [This requires a “social audit.”]
- Distribution of the statement to every company employee, and to all such publics and groups.
- Enforcement of the statement's terms, including through the implementation of an internal whistleblower system.
- Chief company spokesperson in its relations with these publics, including direct responsibility for all of the traditional functions of public, corporate, government and investor relations, and consultative responsibility with marketing and advertising, and employee and labor relations.
- Independent oversight of technology development (R&D); all company surveillance, including of employees; and all business environmental consequences.
- Working with the financial controller, the development of measurement systems to quantify all social and environmental costs incurred by the company.
- Periodic reporting of such costs to the CEO and the Board of Directors.
- All other company risk management functions.
- All company insurance programs.
- All company philanthropy.”


© Roland O. Watson 2001-3