© 2013 Roland Watson
The basics
- What is your sex?
- Race?
- Religion?
- Nationality?
- Age?
- Sexual orientation?
- Height?
- Body type?
- Hair length, style and color?
- Eye strength and color?
- Do you have any scars or birthmarks?
- Other features, impediments or disabilities?
- What is your dress style?
- Do you wear jewelry?
- Have tattoos?
- Are you pierced?
- Who are your parents?
- Are they alive? Married?
- What are they like? What do they do?
- Do you have brothers and sisters?
- Older or younger?
- Do you have a spouse or partner?
- Any children?
- How are your family relationships? Good or bad? Close or not?
- Have there been any traumatic events?
- Any brushes with the law?
- Where did you spend your childhood?
- What is your class background?
- Do you have the attitudes and opinions that are typically associated with this class?
- How much money do you have?
- How many debts?
- What are your most important possessions?
- What schools did you attend?
- How good a student?
- Did you get along with your peers?
- What jobs have you had?
- Did you like them? Your bosses?
- What have you produced, and grown, and built?
- If you had to, could you feed yourself?
- Could you clothe yourself?
- How do you express your creativity?
- What languages do you use?
- How much have you read?
- What do you do for fun?
- Any hobbies, sports and other activities?
- What types of music do you like?
- Where have you traveled?
General self-view
- How do you feel about yourself, psychologically?
- Do you respect yourself?
- Do you like yourself?
- Are you happy?
- How much do you smile?
- How much do you laugh?
- What does your laugh sound like?
- Do you tell jokes, or sing, or dance?
- How do you feel about your body?
- Are you attractive? Ugly?
- Athletic? Clumsy?
- Are you well adjusted?
- Repressed, or inhibited? About what?
- Are you down to earth or snobbish?
- Eccentric in any way?
- What are you addicted to?
- Are you self-destructive?
- How intelligent are you?
- Creative? Analytical? Curious?
- What are you curious about?
- Are you adventurous? Courageous? Resourceful?
- How adventurous? How courageous? How resourceful?
- Have you ever been heroic?
- Are you in control of your life?
- Are you emotional or cool-headed?
- Worrisome and guilt-ridden, or carefree?
- How often are you bored?
- How often are you frustrated?
- By what?
- How do you get what you want?
- Do you complain? Do you nag?
- How do you respond when things don't go your way?
- Do you have good self-control?
- What issues do you feel most strongly about?
- How do you deal with controversy, stress and power conflicts?
- Do you ever become irrational?
- What makes you laugh?
- What makes you feel sad, vulnerable and frightened, and angry?
- What do you hate?
- Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
- Social, or a loner?
- Are you independent?
- A conformist or a rebel?
- A leader or a follower?
- Do you have a lot of friends?
- What types of people are they? How diverse a group?
- Why are they your friends?
- Why are you their friend?
- Are you a good listener?
- Are you a good friend?
- Do other people respect you?
- Are you a force to be reckoned with? By whom?
- Are you a good person?
- Principled?
- Selfish, or bigoted?
- Do you manipulate other people?
- Do you keep your word?
- How many lovers have you had?
- Who were they?
- Why them?
- How long did the relationships last?
- How much sex have you had?
- What types of sex?
- Are you good in bed?
- How do you feel about love, relationships and marriage?
- Are you romantic? Touching and intimate?
- How often do you give small, uncalled for, presents?
- How deeply do you bond?
- What is your capacity for giving, and receiving, love?
Goals and dreams
- What do you think of life, of the experience of being alive?
- What is the most important thing in life?
- What is the most important thing in your life?
- What are your strongest motivations?
- What moments do you live for?
- What do you dream about?
- Any recurrent nightmares?
- Are you actively striving to achieve your unfulfilled goals?
- What do you think of death?
- Are you afraid of it?
- Do you have any great regrets?
- Do you believe in an after-life?