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1. Freedom From Form

U.S. and Canada: $15 (includes $5 first class postage)
Rest of World: $20 (includes up to $13 first class postage)

Table of Contents

There are two types of originality, the first of which is to look at something - a specific subject - in a new way. For instance, this applies to an insightful reinterpretation of a period of history. As another example, it applies to the new view of economic development that has emerged. Previously, such “progress” was unchallenged; now, all manner of individuals and groups decry the ills that derive from “globalization.”

However, while this does reflect a change in perception, the main focus is on the thing being perceived.

Deeper originality relates to unveiling completely new forms of perception, which can then be applied to many different and unrelated subjects, if not everything. Examples of this type of originality include Buddhism and its focus on the elimination of desire; Einstein’s relativity theory and the idea that space and time are inseparable, and curved; and quantum mechanics and the primacy it gives to chance.

Freedom From Form aspires to this level of originality.

- It teaches that existence can best be understood as the interaction and transformation of “forms,” and as the resolution of an underlying conflict between deterministic influences and free will.

- It is an evolutionary study of the human experience, and of our social development, to-date.

- It presents a new way to analyze our diverse social problems. It teaches that while such problems appear different and distinct, they actually are just symptoms of a much deeper malaise.

- It is a call to activism, and a comprehensive guide thereto, including of all relevant ethical issues.

- It includes a complete statement of the social goals that are appropriate for our species.

- It is an exposition of a social structure, unique in human history, through which these goals can be achieved, and of how we can transform our current society to it.

- It is a model of the future evolution of humanity, to a new species, with a reappraisal of evolutionary processes, and a description of the neurological and behavioral changes that likely will occur.

- It presents a proof of why technology, as it is currently practiced, will not itself lead to such evolution.

- And, it is an explanation of the purpose of life, and the universe.

2. Been Where? Done What?
U.S. and Canada: $10
Rest of World: $15

Table of Contents

Been Where? Done What? is a guide for world travelers, to doing a year-long circumnavigation and then using it as the foundation for establishing an international lifestyle. It is based on ten years living abroad, including three world trips.

I bought BW? DW? It arrived yesterday and I looooove it. Exams are right now and I'll probably receive a few extra Bs this semester b/c I can't not read your book. Marvelous book.”
- David B.

The Ultimate Book on Our Kind of Travel. Our manual of choice for the world traveler.”
- Walkabout Travel Gear

Roland Watson is a man with a mission. Two missions, actually: 1) to see the world and 2) to get you to see it, too. ... Devoted to ‘ordinary people who dream of doing extraordinary things,’ the book illustrates the importance of planning, of ethics, cultural differences, and offers tons of information on how to enjoy your trip to the max while keeping your expenses to a bare minimum. Recommended without reservation for the round-the-world traveler interested in not just seeing, but understanding the world.”
- Big World Magazine